Welcome to the Offenham Church Bells website

If you have any questions about the bells and bellringing in Offenham please contact us using the form below.
If you would like somebody to phone you back please include a contact number in the comments section
If you would like somebody to phone you back please include a contact number in the comments section
Service ringing:
1st Sunday - 10.30am for 11.00am Eucharist
3rd Sunday - 9.00am for 9.30am Morning Praise
Please see the calendar here for full details
Practice: Tuesday 7-8.30pm
Teaching: for one to one lessons please use the form below
1st Sunday - 10.30am for 11.00am Eucharist
3rd Sunday - 9.00am for 9.30am Morning Praise
Please see the calendar here for full details
Practice: Tuesday 7-8.30pm
Teaching: for one to one lessons please use the form below